Thursday, April 20, 2006

Don't know when I'll be back again...

I have had this nagging feeling that I needed to go visit all my friends in Salt Lake. I really miss them and thought a vacation sounded amazing.

Since about the age of 12, I have been trying to figure out where I need to move to. I know that I want to live as many places as possible and for right now, Washington is not where my heart is. I've been to Idaho and Florida. I have even lived in Hawaii and California for summers. Now that I have been back in Seattle for over a year I feel like I need to get away more than ever.

To be completely honest, I haven’t ever really had the most faith in prayer. There has never been a huge, life changing circumstance that was resolved by a prayer. Nor, have I ever had anything I prayed to go well ever turn out that exceptional. Nonetheless, I am not in complete disbelief. I have been praying for over a year where my next adventure should take me. Whenever I am beginning to take a path, temptation sets in and I get too busy partying to realize that there are better things out there. I get so easily distracted by money and booze when all I really want to do is gallivant. Through my last thoughtful deliberation process, I narrowed to three places; New York, Orlando and SanDiego. So, I decided to pray about those three. New York seems so lively and fast paced, but I don’t know if I could be that hard. I have lived in Orlando, so I know all that it has to offer, and love it. But, I have always wanted to move to So Cal…

On the rare occasion that I do get what I consider an “answer” to a prayer, it is usually in a dream like state. I tend to only remember dreams that are foreseeing something. Just about a week ago, I spent a long time thinking about moving and where to go before I went to bed. I was beginning to lean towards Orlando, just because I knew I could do it with little discomfort. But, I’ve been there, done that.


What a great night of sleep I had! But when I woke up, I shouted “Salt Lake!” With a gasp, I quickly covered my mouth.

No Way! I hated Utah. So, I’ve only been there once. I still knew that I could not live there. Like a slap in the face, I realized it was right. But I wasn’t ready to accept it.

I talk to Michelle everyday. I like to call her my Day-to-Day Advisor. On Sunday I told her about how I wanted to go away so badly and that I also needed to visit SLC. She told me to come down for a couple weeks and take a load off. A couple weeks? I can’t get that kind of time off work.

“Quit your job” she said, “you don’t like it, anyway.”


So I did.

I gave three weeks notice on Monday. Then, I am packing up everything and heading down south… east… ish. I’m not quite sure exactly what I will do what I do, besides hang out with Michelle and her husband, Shawn, and sleep a little. I have set up a few job interviews. But I have decided that because I am just picking up and changing, I am going to change everything. I have been applying for things that I have always wanted to do, but have been always stuck in the hospitality/assistant rut. This is my chance to help people, or to travel. Just do something more fun than make sure that rich people get richer.

I will stay with Michelle and Shawn for about two weeks. If I hate Utah, I will come back to Washington. If I love it, then I’ll just find a place of my own.

…So I’m leaving in my Jetta, don’t know when I’ll be back again…

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